Tile with hunting scne from Museo Regional de Beja in Portugal
Hunting With The Falcon Acrylic Print

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Manteifel P.A. 1955. Rasskazy naturalista [Stories of Naturalist]. Uchpedgiz. 176 p.

Manteifel P.A. 1955. Rasskazy naturalista [Stories of Naturalist]. Uchpedgiz. 176 p.

Manuale del moderno falconiere by Giuseppe Eugenio Chiorino

Manuale del moderno falconiere by Giuseppe Eugenio Chiorino

Manuel pratique du fauconnier au XIXe siècle

Manuel pratique du fauconnier au XIXe siècle

Manufacture Islamic (Sicily or Tunisia), ceramic basin fragmented with falconer on horseback,

Manufacture Islamic (Sicily or Tunisia), ceramic basin fragmented with falconer on horseback,

Map was used to show all the hawking locations during the first BFC International Falconry Field Mee

Map was used to show all the hawking locations during the first BFC International Falconry Field Mee

Marc Chagall - The Sign: The Falcon and The Pigeon

Marc Chagall - The Sign: The Falcon and The Pigeon

Marie de Bourgogne (4 images)

Marie de Bourgogne (4 images)

Marie de Bourgogne (Louvre, RF 4667) - detail

Marie de Bourgogne (Louvre, RF 4667) - detail

Marina Hlebnikova with falcon

Marina Hlebnikova with falcon

MAROSI IVÁN as a member of Hungarian delegatikon on ivitation of BFC at Woodhall Spa in 1969

MAROSI IVÁN as a member of Hungarian delegatikon on ivitation of BFC at Woodhall Spa in 1969



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The FHT aims to establish a portal for the world's falconers and other interested parties to access aspects of the sport's rich heritage by linking existing physical archives, including international private and public collections, through the medium of an electronic archive. This archive features falconry furniture, works of art, books, correspondence from leading falconers and film and photographic material for the education and interest of falconer and scholar alike. We hope that, whatever your background or interest in our sport, you may find something of value through our archive to deepen your knowledge, understanding and passion for falconry and will help us, through your support, to preserve this precious cultural heritage for future generations.

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SA33 5YL

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